Each year, WE work hard to provide the community with a wide range of events.
These events serve as a platform for artists to showcase their talents, students to develop their skills and patrons to join together in support of the arts.
We are proud to partner with several organizations and many individuals to help fund projects, give financial support to students, award teachers grants & provide a variety of other financial needs to the North Augusta community.
Art makes life more enjoyable and our mission is to grow & support the arts in our beautiful city of North Augusta!

Founded in 1996, We are the North Augusta Cultural Arts Council (NACAC) and our goal is to promote the development of arts programs in North Augusta.We are a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation approved by the Internal Revenue Service and registered in South Carolina.We are supported in part by the City of North Augusta, but receive the majority of our support from tax deductible memberships, sponsorships and donations.Our purpose is to encourage the practice and appreciation of the arts within the North Augusta area by organizing arts related programs and events to provide assistance and support to existing arts and educational organizations within the community.We are governed by volunteers. During our period of existence we have spun off the North Augusta Artists Guild and the Riverfront Theater Company, and is actively involved in the founding of the Arts and Heritage Center of North Augusta which is located in the North Augusta Municipal Center. There is much going on in North Augusta culturally and artistically. Our community is rich with talent with many artists in each discipline.